Development of the Export Potential of 4 SOFT S.A.
The project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund as part of sub-action 3.3.3: Support for SMEs in promoting product brands - Go To Brand.
Project Number: POIR.03.03.03-02-0174/20
Goals and Effects of the Project Implementation:
The goal of the project is to increase the international recognition of the company 4 SOFT S.A. and to promote its product offerings. The implementation of promotional activities aims to increase the brand awareness of the Beneficiary in the international market. All planned actions are intended to acquire potential business partners and customers for the offered products. Further expansion into foreign markets is expected to increase sales and open new distribution directions. The implementation of this project will also contribute to the promotion of the Polish IT/ICT industry and the Brand of the Polish Economy.
Project Value: 379,300.00 PLN
Amount of European Funds Contribution in the project: 284,475.00 PLN