September 2, 2024

All You Need to Know About ERC 7683: The Cross Chain Intents Standard

ERC 7683 defines a standard for seamless cross-chain transactions. Designed to connect various blockchains, it enhances interoperability and minimizes errors, which is crucial for decentralized finance. This guide will explain its key components, benefits, and real-world applications.


  • ERC 7683 standardizes cross-chain trade execution, enhancing interoperability between blockchain networks and simplifying DeFi transactions.
  • Key components, such as the CrossChainOrder struct and ISettlementContract interface, streamline the execution and settlement of cross-chain orders, reducing errors and increasing efficiency.
  • The implementation of ERC 7683 lowers transaction costs and improves the user experience by allowing for a single approval mechanism and reducing the complexity of cross-chain transactions.

Understanding ERC 7683

ERC 7683 is a game-changer in the realm of smart contracts. It standardizes cross-chain trade execution and provides a robust framework for interoperability across various blockchain networks. 

This standardization is not just about technology; it’s about creating a seamless experience for users engaging in decentralized finance (DeFi).

What Is ERC 7683?

At its core, ERC 7683 is designed to standardize the execution of cross-chain trades, offering a unified API that enhances interoperability among different blockchain platforms. This is achieved by establishing a standardized communication and asset transfer method. 

The ResolvedCrossChainOrder struct within ERC 7683 plays a pivotal role in this process by containing comprehensive transaction data. This guarantees that both parties involved in a trade fully understand the details of the asset exchange.

This level of standardization is crucial for the broader adoption of cross-chain transactions. By providing a consistent and reliable framework, ERC 7683 reduces the risk of errors, which occur more often in non-standardized systems.

Explore this page to learn more about the basics of ERC 7683.

Motivation Behind ERC 7683

The motivation behind ERC 7683 stems from the challenges faced by current cross-chain systems, such as centralization and complexity. 

ERC 7683 addresses these issues by standardizing interactions across multiple blockchains, thus enhancing interoperability and improving the overall user experience in decentralized finance.

By establishing a unified format for executing user intents, ERC 7683 simplifies cross-chain interactions, making them more efficient and accessible.

ERC-7683 is designed to address relayer fragmentation by establishing a universal filler network that all cross-chain intentions can adhere to in their order structure, as explained by Across Protocol on X

Check out this discussion to learn more about the factors driving the development of ERC 7683.

Key Components of ERC 7683

To understand how ERC 7683 facilitates seamless cross-chain transactions, it’s essential to delve into its key components: the CrossChainOrder Struct and the ISettlementContract Interface. These elements are designed to work together to ensure efficient and reliable cross-chain operations.

CrossChainOrder Struct

The CrossChainOrder struct is integral to defining cross-chain order parameters. It enables effective communication between users and transaction facilitators and provides a unified method for structuring cross-chain intents, ensuring that transactions are fulfilled smoothly and efficiently.

/// @title CrossChainOrder type
/// @notice Standard order struct to be signed by swappers, disseminated to fillers, and submitted to settlement contracts
struct CrossChainOrder {
/// @dev The contract address that the order is meant to be settled by. /// Fillers send this order to this contract address on the origin chain
address settlementContract;
/// @dev The address of the user who is initiating the swap,
/// whose input tokens will be taken and escrowed
address swapper;
/// @dev Nonce to be used as replay protection for the order
uint256 nonce;
/// @dev The chainId of the origin chain
uint32 originChainId;
/// @dev The timestamp by which the order must be initiated
uint32 initiateDeadline;
/// @dev The timestamp by which the order must be filled on the destination chain
uint32 fillDeadline;
/// @dev Arbitrary implementation-specific data
/// Can be used to define tokens, amounts, destination chains, fees, settlement parameters,
/// or any other order-type specific information
bytes orderData;


The CrossChainOrder struct includes the following key fields:

  • the settlementContract address,
  • the swapper’s address, 
  • the origin chain address, 
  • the origin chain address settlement contract, 
  • deadline timestamps. 

These fields are crucial for managing and executing cross-chain transactions, simplifying user processes and ensuring accuracy in cross-chain trade execution.

ISettlementContract Interface

The ISettlementContract interface is another critical component of ERC 7683. It provides essential functions that facilitate the settlement of orders across different blockchain networks. It defines the methods for initiating and resolving cross-chain orders, ensuring that transactions are fulfilled reliably and efficiently.

Here’s what the ISettlementContract interface looks like:

/// @title ISettlementContract
/// @notice Standard interface for settlement contracts
interface ISettlementContract {
/// @notice Initiates the settlement of a cross-chain order
/// @dev To be called by the filler
/// @param order The CrossChainOrder definition
/// @param signature The swapper's signature over the order
/// @param fillerData Any filler-defined data required by the settler
function initiate(CrossChainOrder order, bytes signature, bytes fillerData) external;

/// @notice Resolves a specific CrossChainOrder into a generic ResolvedCrossChainOrder
/// @dev Intended to improve standardized integration of various order types and settlement contracts
/// @param order The CrossChainOrder definition
/// @param fillerData Any filler-defined data required by the settler
/// @returns ResolvedCrossChainOrder hydrated order data including the inputs and outputs of the order
function resolve(CrossChainOrder order, bytes fillerData) external view returns (ResolvedCrossChainOrder);


This interface plays a vital role in standardizing the settlement process, making it easier for developers to integrate cross-chain functionalities into their systems and ensuring secure and efficient settlements.

How ERC 7683 Works

ERC 7683 unifies off-chain messages and on-chain settlement smart contracts, focusing on user-defined intents and their execution across various blockchain environments.

This section will explore the process of order initiation and fulfillment and the settlement protocol.

Order Initiation and Fulfillment

Order initiation in ERC 7683 begins with creating a CrossChainOrder struct, which encapsulates critical trade information, including the originating chain ID and order initiation and fulfillment deadlines. Users specify their desired outcomes through this struct, simplifying the trading process by removing the need to manage multiple steps or protocols.

Fillers, responsible for executing trades, play a crucial role in this network, initiating actions on the origin chain and executing them on the destination chain. This streamlined process ensures that user intents are fulfilled efficiently and accurately.

Settlement Protocol

The settlement protocol in ERC 7683 is designed to ensure that the user’s intention and the order details are meticulously verified before execution, reducing the risk of errors. The ISettlementContract interface requires the implementation of order resolution functions, which convert a CrossChainOrder into a ResolvedCrossChainOrder, detailing the inputs and outputs involved.

By standardizing processes, ERC 7683 reduces transaction fees and speeds up execution times, creating a more efficient and cost-effective environment for cross-chain transactions.

Here’s a more detailed explanation of how ERC 7683 works.

Benefits of ERC 7683

The adoption of ERC 7683 brings numerous benefits. This section explores how ERC 7683 enhances cross-chain interoperability, lowers costs, increases efficiency, and improves user experience.

Enhancing Cross-Chain Interoperability

ERC 7683 standardizes cross-chain intents, allowing users to specify their desired outcomes without managing the execution complexities. By providing a unified framework, it boosts liquidity access and facilitates better integration across different blockchain systems.

The ISettlementContract interface promotes a consistent approach to settlement, enabling interactions between various chains. This level of interoperability is crucial for the continued growth and evolution of decentralized finance.

Lowering Costs and Increasing Efficiency

Standardization through ERC 7683 significantly improves resource usage in DeFi applications, leading to cost savings. It’s also expected to reduce wait times since, currently, more transactions and effort are required to achieve the same goal – with additional transactions used for bridging funds between blockchains.

ERC 7683 reduces the costs associated with cross-chain operations and enhances the system's overall efficiency, making it more accessible and effective for users through cross-chain actions.

Improved User Experience

ERC 7683 greatly improves user experience by simplifying cross-chain transactions. Users can specify their end goals without navigating multiple complicated steps, making the process more intuitive and less cumbersome. The framework also uses a single approval mechanism for token transfers and order confirmations, ensuring greater consistency in transaction outcomes.

By streamlining the execution of transactions across various chains, ERC 7683 contributes to faster transaction times and fewer failures, enhancing user satisfaction and security.

Check out this article to learn why Ethereum cofounder Vitalik Buterin supports ERC 7683.

Implementation and Use Cases

Implementing ERC 7683 involves integrating its key components into existing systems, ensuring a thorough understanding of order initiation and fulfillment mechanics. This section explores the steps for implementing ERC 7683 and provides real-world examples of its application.

Implementing ERC 7683

To implement ERC 7683, developers must integrate the CrossChainOrder struct and the ISettlementContract interface into their systems. This requires rigorous testing and audits to identify and mitigate vulnerabilities before deployment, ensuring the security and reliability of cross-chain transactions.

Real-World Applications

One of the first applications to implement ERC 7683 is UniswapX, which enables users to execute cross-chain trades based on competitive pricing from various liquidity sources. This innovative platform utilizes ERC-7683 to enhance its cross-chain trading capabilities, allowing users to find optimal prices through a bidding process among fillers.

Future integrations with decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols and other emerging technologies are expected to enhance the capabilities of ERC 7683 further, making it a fundamental building block for cross-chain operations.

Security Considerations

Security is a paramount concern in implementing ERC 7683. This section discusses the importance of replay protection and strategies for handling vulnerabilities in smart contracts.

Replay Protection

Replay protection is a critical feature within the ERC 7683 standard, ensuring secure cross-chain transactions. The nonce within the CrossChainOrder struct acts as a replay protection mechanism, making each order unique and preventing unauthorized resubmissions. This enhances the security of transactions, ensuring that each unique order is executed only once.

Handling Vulnerabilities

Regular tests and audits are essential for uncovering vulnerabilities in smart contracts. Implementing a simple, smart contract for continuous monitoring and timely updates can significantly reduce the risk of security breaches, especially when reviewing the smart contract’s code.

Robust monitoring systems and alert mechanisms are crucial for mitigating vulnerabilities in cross-chain executions, ensuring a comprehensive approach to securing cross-chain trade execution.

Future of ERC 7683

The future of ERC 7683 looks promising. Advancements are expected to enhance cross-chain exchanges and programmatic interactions across different blockchain layers.

Evolving Standards

As the blockchain landscape evolves, standards like ERC 7683 must adapt to accommodate new protocols and technologies. Designed to be flexible, ERC 7683 can integrate new features and updates, ensuring it remains relevant and practical.

Staying informed about changing standards is crucial for maximizing cross-chain interoperability and enhancing the capabilities of ERC 7683.

Integration with Emerging Technologies

Integrating ERC 7683 with new protocols and emerging technologies can improve cross-chain interoperability. Discussions about integrating ERC-7683 with next-generation protocols, such as rollups and app chains, are ongoing. These advancements are expected to enhance the user experience, increase efficiency, and create a more seamless environment for decentralized applications.

By embracing these technologies, ERC 7683 can continue to evolve and meet the growing demands of the blockchain ecosystem.


ERC 7683 represents a significant leap forward in smart contracts and cross-chain transactions. By standardizing cross-chain intents and providing a robust framework for interoperability, ERC 7683 enhances the efficiency, security, and user experience of decentralized finance. From its key components to its practical applications and future potential, ERC 7683 is poised to play an important role in the continued evolution of blockchain technology.

As we look ahead, the integration of ERC 7683 with emerging technologies promises to enhance its capabilities further, making cross-chain trade execution more seamless and accessible. ERC 7683's journey is just beginning, and its impact on the blockchain ecosystem will undoubtedly be profound and far-reaching.

September 2, 2024